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 about bob :o

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Satan Angel
Satan Angel

Nombre de messages : 1493
Age : 32
Localisation : 83600 chenge de sOnneri cOmme tu le sens cOnneri de pub !!
Emploi : AmOureuse de suchi prOffesiOnelle :D
Loisirs : Faire des bizu a ma zumelle !
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2006

about bob :o Empty
MessageSujet: about bob :o   about bob :o EmptyDim 3 Sep - 20:04

For those of you that live under a rock sheilded from all My Chemical Romance news...

So this is it. The infection went into his bloodstream and is in his head. The reason he had the icepack in his mouth wasn't for his mouth or teeth, it was to try to keep the swelling down in his head. After last nights show Bob went to the hospital and was told they caught this infection just before it got to his brain. He is on IV antibiotics and likely will be for a while. He is going home to Chicago since this is likely to be an extended stay.

The likely hood of all concerts in the near future to be cancelled is very high unless they get a temporary drummer while he recovers.

i credit (RavenBlackhardt) from the MCRmy for this bit of news

so because of bobs injurys and he being in the hospital they had to cancel shows. im just really sorry for those of you who were planning to go and who spent alot of money in order to go. but we cant really be mad at them because we all know that they would only really not play if it was seriuos.we just all have to hope that bob gets better
My Chemical Romance regretfully announced they are canceling this weekend's performances in both Allentown, PA (9/2) and Syracuse, NY (9/3)
again im sorry for those of u who were going they will make it up to u Smile

repost with ur name and a short shout out to bob so we can all see how much everyone cares about bob
(its not like we dont know anyways bob fuckin rocks)

1) ANISSA GUTIERREZ__bob i hope u get better but get better with time and try not to stand next to any open fire any time
2]sarah@Bobtastic Fans- BOB. I love you. Your are my hero. Get well soon, because the world is dark and sad without you!
3. Arielle-Bob is amazing...he NEEDS to get better...the MCR fans need him...he'll pull through though...cuz hes Bob^_^
4.rosiie....bob hope your feelin better and gettin better soonsoonsoon...¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾
5. Angel - Sweet Revenge Fansite hope u get better my darlin bob u rock much luv <3i

jai trouver sa c koi ? :o
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Satan Angel
Satan Angel

Nombre de messages : 1493
Age : 32
Localisation : 83600 chenge de sOnneri cOmme tu le sens cOnneri de pub !!
Emploi : AmOureuse de suchi prOffesiOnelle :D
Loisirs : Faire des bizu a ma zumelle !
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2006

about bob :o Empty
MessageSujet: Re: about bob :o   about bob :o EmptyLun 4 Sep - 18:37


We got some really bad news in the past 48 hours. As a result of complications with a previous injury, Bob ended up in the hospital with a staph infection. He's being monitored all weekend and we want to be by his the side whole time.

Unfortunately, this means we can't make this weekend's shows in Allentown and Syracuse because we need to be there by his side. A lot of people suggested we used a different drummer, but we need to stay true to Bob and our band.

One of the major disappointments of this, other than seeing Bob in pain, is missing Taking Back Sunday and Circa Survive. Both of those bands are incredible and we hope they have an amazing show.

We are working on putting on other shows soon in those areas for free to try and make it up to you.


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Satan Angel
Satan Angel

Nombre de messages : 1493
Age : 32
Localisation : 83600 chenge de sOnneri cOmme tu le sens cOnneri de pub !!
Emploi : AmOureuse de suchi prOffesiOnelle :D
Loisirs : Faire des bizu a ma zumelle !
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2006

about bob :o Empty
MessageSujet: Re: about bob :o   about bob :o EmptySam 16 Sep - 21:34

Voila je fais la traduction mais je suis pas tres douée désolé . . .

Le Batteur Bob Bryar De My Chemical Romance Presque Mort Tout en Faisant La Video.
[[Rien que le titre c'est rassurant (ironie)]]

Bob a été solicité pour "etre préparé mort" par le groupe
après qu'il est souffert de brulures au troisième degres en travaillant sur le prochain clip du groupe.
Bryar a été blessé après un accident faisant partis
de la promo de "Welcome To The Black Parade". Après avoir été hospitalisé,
le culbuteur a été confronté aux complications effrayantes d'une infection de sang.
Bob a dit: "il y avait une bulle dans (ma tête) là qui aurait pus éclaté.
Si ca c'était produis, ca aurait pus me tué."
Mais le sticksman déterminé est repartis dehors après juste trois jours
afin de retourner à sa carrière musicale.
Les autres musiciens ont été impressionnés de son courage,
le félicitant pour sa dévotion.
Le guitariste Ray Toro a dit: "Vous savez que quelqu'un donne tout,
quand il est disposé à mourir pour son groupe."

Voila en bref c'est ca. Désolé il y a des phrases que j'ai pas tres bien compris =/

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about bob :o Empty
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